GOLDEN OVERSEAS - Sourcing, Buying, Inspection, and Shipping from Yiwu and Guangzhou, China to Custom Clearance in India.
Sourcing and buying from reliable supplier Imports from GOLDEN OVERSAES is a good company because they offer a safe and reliable way to purchase. They have many different contacts and know how to tailor your order for the best price, as well as how to avoid scams.
How Do we make it DDP Delivered Duty Paid You work out a deal with your supplier and finalise rates . And ask them delivery upto our guangzhou or Yiwu warehouse. Make payment in alibaba payment link to supplier by your debit card or we help you to pay.
We do thorough inspection through our team placed in our different offices acorss the world. We may take the help of professional agencies if that is required technically.
We can source any product, if you have already sourced we can act as an investigator with regards to the profile of the supplier or Vendor. We also guarantee payments to the vendors if sources through us.
We do and help in buying products selected by you from your vendor making payments to them.
We collect goods from the vendors and provide containers / air space for those goods .we do full container load or part container or air shipment.
After collecting the goods, After inspection from the vendors our office completes the custom clearance.
Golden Overseas has its own custom clearance CHA Office setup at Ports of ICD Delhi TKD Tughlakabad, Delhi airport, Chennai, Mumbai, Mundra, Pipavav, ACTL Faridabad, Sonepat, Piyala, Kolkatta, Navasheva and many more.
while Providing the delivery services we also help in getting allied permission like ADS clearance, FASSAI OR WPC licensing or any other mandatory documentation required for clearing the goods form customs in india.
Apart from the above said services we provide the visa services for visiting china from india, part them with necessary Knowledge with regards to HSN codes and GST etc.
We also provide assistance in setting up the business or setting up industry in india through collaboration or any other services as and when required by importers of india and other parts of the world.